The Cova Roller


The Cova Roller


Cova roller is a new word I've heard,

Have you heard it too?

It means the ups and downs,

The highs and lows,

Positivity and feeling blue.


During this time of Covid 19,

We have learnt to view things anew.

Old habits have stopped

Work has dried up 

While the Government has furloughed a few.

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Families have connected for schooling

Their resources pooling,

While others, from shielded, have parted

And some were unable to celebrate their dearly departed.


Weddings and holidays, cancelled or postponed,

Zoom has replaced the telephone.

The homeless have been moved off the streets

Hostels provided, their needs to meet,

A place for the poorest to stay safe and be fed;

A clean place to sleep in a comfortable bed.


Donations and kindness have increased for many

Yet debt and abuse have shown their face too.

Empty car parks, empty High Streets

Shoppers only slowly increasing.

The number grows

Yet in hearts, fear still goes.


Toilets are now open

At least we can spend a penny!

Reopening hair salons, restaurants and bars

Has been good for some but a disaster for many.

On some days we have hope and TV runs feel-good shows

But now at odds with Russia, China, Europe,

Brexit looming and a potential second spike grows.


Boris speaks of hope

Of some scope

Of Christmas maybe 

For a return to normality?


Compulsory facemasks have become the norm

A show of good form.

Although accepted

In shops and on transport,

Masks for schools

Leave parents and pupils

Confused and distraught.



Routine is better. 

Routine is worse.

Mental health has suffered,

It is no longer nourished.

Resilience has grown

And for some it has flourished.


Already August has left us behind

Summer has gone and December approaches

But with Autumn and Winter, fear of flu now encroaches.


Where has this year gone?

An anthem much repeated.

Hopes dashed and new ideas tweeted.

Has nature improved?

Air pollution is it less?

Have flora and fauna come off the best?

In this time of pandemic

This worldwide epidemic

Can we learn and can we take note?

The world’s population is in the same boat.


Flexible working from home - will it matter?

If we no longer around the water cooler chatter?

Will working alone be productive and kind?

Or will loneliness kick in, driving us out of our mind?

The ups and downs, the highs and lows,

The ride seems to be slowing as it goes.

Will we leave this roller coaster soon,

Returning to habits and ways that we knew?


Or perhaps, as a result of our Covid ride,

Mental health will be askew

Was it all too much to take our stride?

But as we regain perspective,

A ‘new normal’ kicking in

Perhaps there is real hope 

From without and within?

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Has Nature pressed this pause button

For us all to examine our lives?

In a different way

To treasure once more

The gift of each challenging day?


So whether our Cova roller ride 

Leaves us adrenaline filled - or just pushed to one side,

Let's give thanks and be kind. 

Grateful to have had in mind

That our actions matter and find time for each other.


We do have the choice

To be positive or blue

Which choice will you make...

That is up to you!

Christine Howson